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Kirtan Kriya Research

Kirtan Kriya was one of the first mantra-based meditations that Kundalini master Yogi Bhajan led when he brought the practice to the U.S. in the late sixties and early seventies.

What should I visualize during Kirtan Kriya?

Kirtan Kriya Sequence Sing “Saa” “Taa” “Naa” “Maa” while touching your fingers of both hands at the same time; visualize the sound flowing in through the top of your head and out the middle of your forehead in an L shape. For two minutes, singing it out loud.

What is Kirtan Kriya good for?

According to clinical psychologist and yoga therapist Chris Walling, doing 12 minutes daily of the Kundalini Yoga practice known as Kirtan Kriya is proven to enhance brain and mental health, increase longevity, and keep your mind sharp.

How long does Kirtan Kriya take to work?

Clinical research has shown that practicing Kirtan Kriya for just 12 minutes a day can improve cognition and activate parts of the brain that are central to memory. Replacing the Kirtan Kriya sounds with other sounds, or replacing the meditation as a whole with other relaxing tasks, has not been shown to be effective.

Is Kriya Yoga scientific?

Kriya Yoga directs energy lengthwise around the spine, gradually neutralizing there the eddies of chitta. At the same time it strengthens the nerves in the spine and brain to receive cosmic currents of energy and consciousness. Yogananda called Kriya the supreme science of yoga.

Why is Kriya Yoga secret?

The reason being, Kriya Yoga follows a strict principle of a Guru- Shishya (Master-Disciple) tradition. It cannot be learned without being initiated by an authorised Guru. The science of Kriya Yoga is not known to the public at large. The Guru teaches it to his disciple in the course of his advancement on this path.

What does SAA TAA NAA MAA meaning?

This meditation uses the mantra: Saa Taa Naa Maa. Translated as Infinity, life, death, rebirth. This is the cycle of life. The sounds come from SAT NAM - Truth is my Identity. Great to practice if you are wanting to move through any addiction, and to build intuition.

Where does Kirtan Kriya come from?

Kirtan Kriya is a meditation chant exercise originating from India and was likely first utilized in the practice of kundalini yoga. Kirtan meditation practice involves a combination of chanting a simple mantra that consists of ancient sounds while using repetitive finger poses or mudras.

What does chanting RA do?

Chanting “ra” helps connect you with the frequency that gives you energy. This strong, hot, and bright energy can purify you from within. Ma – Ma means moon. Cool and nurturing, Ma symbolizes the receptive trait in you, to accept everything that comes your way calmly.

What is Kundalini energy?

The Sanskrit term "Kundali Shakti" translates as "Serpent Power". Kundalini is thought to be an energy released within an individual using specific meditation techniques. It is represented symbolically as a serpent coiled at the base of the spine.

What culture is Kirtan?

Kirtan (Gurmukhi: ਕੀਰਤਨ Kīratana) refers to devotional singing in Sikhism. It is typically performed at Gurdwaras (Sikh temples). Sikh scriptures and legends are usually recited in a song, to a certain raga and accompanied with musical instruments.

What is Gyan Chakra Kriya?

The Gyan Chakra Kriya attracts abundance and prosperity, as it opens our heart. Specifically, the arm movements stimulate the radiance of our halo, expand the brilliant protection of our aura, as well as strengthen our nervous system.

How do you practice Kirtan Kriya?

For four minutes, say the chant silently to yourself. Chant in a whisper for two minutes. Chant out loud for two minutes. To end the exercise, inhale very deeply, stretch your hands above your head, and bring them down slowly in a sweeping motion as you exhale.

Can meditation prevent Alzheimer's?

A study at the University of Pennsylvania, which followed people with early cognitive decline for eight weeks, demonstrated that practicing the yoga/meditation technique started reversing memory loss and reduced anxiety, two hallmarks of early AD.

How do you do Kriya meditation?

Seven Steps to Kriya

  1. Step 1 – The Art of Meditation: Basic Practices.
  2. Step 2 – Energy and Focusing the Mind.
  3. Step 3 – Devotion: Opening the Heart.
  4. Step 4 – Disciple to Guru Relationship.
  5. Step 5 – Expanding Your Awareness – The Aum Technique.
  6. Step 6 – Kriya Yoga Preparation.
  7. Step 7 – Kriya Initiation.

Is Kriya Yoga the same as kundalini?

Kriya yoga is closely related to Kundalini Yoga, which is based on very similar principles. Since both Kriya and Kundalini yoga work with energy directly, even beginners can quickly experience great improvements in mood, concentration, and physical and mental energy.

What happens after Kriya Yoga?

Kriya Yoga Technique Kriya is an advanced Raja Yoga technique of pranayama (life-energy control). Kriya reinforces and revitalises subtle currents of life energy (prana) in the spine and brain. The ancient seers of India (rishis) perceived the brain and spine as the tree of life.

What happens at kriya initiation?

Students participate in a holy ceremony to purify the spine and the body. Each seeker is initiated on an individual basis through the direct contact of a teacher of this lineage. The teacher directly infuses the triple divine qualities of sound, vibration, and light into the initiate.

Who is the current master of Kriya Yoga?

Shyama Charan Lahiri
OrderSelf-realization (Enlightenment)
PhilosophyKriya Yoga
Religious career
GuruMahavatar Babaji

What is karmic yoga?

Of the classical paths to spiritual liberation in Hinduism, karma yoga is the path of unselfish action. It teaches that a spiritual seeker should act according to dharma, without being attached to the fruits or personal consequences. Karma Yoga, states the Bhagavad Gita, purifies the mind.

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